A transgender Colorado child named Bobby wants to join Girl Scouts.
So what?
Well, a lot of people are up in arms about it. One teenage girl posted a video on YouTube about it, asking people to boycott buying Girl Scout Cookies to protest. Ironically, she says other transgender kids have been allowed to join in the past. Implied, without an issue, as it should be. Poor Bobby and her family, having to deal with this. Read the story.
Even my district's Girl Scout council is pulling together for an emergency meeting about attempts to "discredit" Girl Scouts. Some people are agreeing to boycott. Others have decided to up their order.
I'm asking you to do the same. Buy more Girl Scout cookies. And it's not just me. Buck Angel, a transgender former Girl Scout, is asking you, too. Support transgender girls' right to be part of Girl Scout troops if they want. Buy more cookies.