How to Ally

Reformatted from this post so it would actually work on my blog
REPEAT THIS IS NOT MINE but tumblr might go down and so I don't trust a relink
okay so some ways for straight people to be actual good allies because people keep reblogging this and tagging like “but what do I DO” and I think it’s important:
  • speak out when you hear people being intolerant/making rude jokes/misgendering or misnaming people
  • educate family and friends politely but unwaveringly
  • DO NOT partake in jokes at the expense of queer* individuals
  • USE the pronouns and names you are asked to use
  • DO NOT out your queer friends without explicit permission
  • Congrats.  You’re an ally.  That’s great!
  • Did your queer friend make a post about the marriage act?  
  • Or maybe they posted a selfie?
  • Or maybe they made a post about their feelings as a queer person?
  • REBLOG that B E F O R E you start making your own!
  • Boost your queer friends FIRST!
  • Your voice is GREAT!  But it’s not in the minority– let those in the minority get the microphone before you go for it!
* as in, not straight/cis (I know there is controversy over LGBT+ being not inclusive enough, so I use this in attempt to avoid some of that.  sorry?)

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