Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Equality or Justice? And who's the man in your relationship?

I know I've spoken before on how what the lgbt are asking for is not quite equal rights. I finally found a model that explains it better than I can.
You have three kids at a baseball game, and three crates. One kid is tall enough to see with no problem. One is almost tall enough to see. One is way too short to see.
Equality is when each kid gets a crate to stand on. Justice is when the shortest kid gets two crates and the medium kid gets one, and they can all see the game.
On the theme of explaining lgbt life to those outside it, Ellen Degeneres is quoted as having the best counter-argument  to 'who's the guy and who's the girl in your relationship' that I've ever seen.
Which chopstick is the fork?

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