Monday, July 6, 2015

Character mandalas

So I'm stuck in a giant plot hole, right? This is the scene where Lee and Nadie call Jimena, the first time our heroes are (sort of) in the same room together. The scene where Jimena calls the outcome of the romantic subplot, and tries to explain to Leandra how they're going to eat each other alive, but only succeeds in driving them away. But I can't figure out how to write the scene so she'll get that, on account of Lee and Nadie get along really well. 
So I colored mandalas of all of them.

Nadie "all that glitters is not gold" Jones

 Jimena "what you see is what you get" Navarro

Casey "don't call me pretty"

I kind of love them. Maybe I can do a design with the color schemes of all of them, so I can metaphorically pluck out why they do and don't work?

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