Monday, December 6, 2010

Special treatment? Come on.

I know that some people are of the opinion that gay people can do whatever they want in their own homes and shouldn't try to get 'special treatment'.
But taking a real look at the issues shows that special treatment is the last thing on the list.
We'll step away from the hot topic of same-sex marriage for a moment and look at plain old rights.
For one thing, did you know it's legal in most states to be fired from a job just for being gay? How is that fair? It doesn't matter to you if I'm a woman, if I'm an ethnic minority or a religious minority, but who I date comes into play? What does that have to do with how well I perform a job?
Don't Ask Don't Tell is related here. Top specialists are fired all the time from the military for being gay.
Finally, the paper reports to me that GLBTQ teens are punished more severely in schools.
Can anyone really believe that sexual orientation has anything to do with our education and job?
Stand with me and stop this.

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