Saturday, December 20, 2014

Characterization of Henriette

How did I forget Henriette? No, seriously. How did? Henriette is easily one of my favorite characters. I have misplaced my list of questions to ask, so I shall do my best.
Henriette is 5'6", skinny, with messy dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and freckled, pale skin. She's kind of a hippie, barefoot whenever possible, earth lover, peace lover, but also wears body glitter for reasons she's never explained. She likes ripped jeans, which got that way through use, natural fabrics, shirts without designs, no jewelry. She's got a tattoo of the Deathly Hallows symbol on her shoulder blade. She's into robotics and computer science, and loves fantasy, especially Harry Potter. She's an introvert, but an open kind of person, which leaves her completely exhausted at the end of the day--luckily for her, no one is demanding her nights from her. She's a fairly friendly person, but she does get confused when things head flirty/innuendo, and tries to avoid such conversations. She enjoys helping people. She speaks fluent Spanish, like Leandra. When she's comfortable with the situation, she's a great conversationalist, really good at the give and take, but when she's not, she just sort of shuts down. Nothing in particular seems to be really important to her, it's more that she balances having a lot of mostly important things. She listens to New Age stuff but also pop. Henriette is asexual and possibly aromantic, and cis. Relationships make her go mostly 'huh what?' She is a Hufflepuff.
I kind of want to write a second novel about Henriette. At the moment, she's slightly Mary Sueish, though--she needs some flaws.
Sheer obliviousness?

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